postfix – mailbox size limit and message size limit

WARNING: Postfix ( is my MTA of choice. I use it for my mailserver due to its simplicity , security and sendmail-compatible (the widely used smtp in the world but not as secure). It is also extensible by plugging other servers for various purposes (antispam, antivirus,database etc). I had one problem with file attachment larger … Weiterlesen

change postfix sender or recipient address for the future or already stuck in the mailque messages

In postfix one can change the addresses in the header. No really news for anyone, but usually something you need when you do not expect it. This usually happens when something went wrong and a whole load of messages went out with „.local“ as sender.

Postfix does this with „maps“. If you do not already have one then you generate one. So to mess with this you would use one of two maps.


Here you can do any rewrite, as the word „generic“ may have already had you guessing.

nano /etc/postfix/


warning: support for restriction „check_relay_domains“ will be removed from Postfix; use „reject_unauth_destination“ instead

Und noch so eine Log File Leiche. Ja das ist die Art und Weise wie die postfix Entwickler einen darauf aufmerksam machen das es gut war das man die updates gemacht hat, aber eben die dazu gehörige Dokumentation nicht gelesen hat. Also in der /etc/postfix/ findet man irgendwo eine Zeile die mit smtpd_recipient_restrictions anfängt. In … Weiterlesen