HowTo script bypass of a captcha

I will be honest with you, I personally have no clue other than the obvious. One would have to understand how each one works. If there is a sound file available for the captcha, there would enough diktation software around to get one started. If it is a simple picture one can get any OCR … Weiterlesen

Shop with things going awry

A cooworker just sent this link around to this shop. Well, at fist it looks like your avarage shop, but then … move with the mouse across a few products … and oooops, there it goes !! See for yourself:

Find Broken Links on your Website

I have seen a few and tried a couple, but with Xenu I have had the fastest, easiest und workable results. No frills nothing fancy, just what you need to check as well as re-check sites you are working on.


Sorry was busy quite bit an stopped mids moving the website to a new server. Well, done now and up and running again. Will now finally upgrade my WordPress and get rolling with the Blog again.

Argument list too long

Well, if that is the error you are getting on your Linux box then it looks like you have just got too many things that you are trying to run through the mill in your shell. I stumbled accross this one Basic reason being how the shell handles wildcards. If the list gets too long, … Weiterlesen

Check mailserver with telnet

Well, every once in a while you need to do this. And what was the command again ?? How did that work exactly ?? As my memory is getting overloaded once in a while I decided to post my favorite Link right here, that way I know where it is next time I need it. … Weiterlesen


Well, I am not really a YouTube user, but I got the below two links … and even I was laughing. Mac Donalds Rap: Not a VW commercial: Hope you enjoy them.

Synchronizing Time on Win 2000 Server

Well you would imagine that the Win 2000 Server would know what time it is. Well if you tell it what time it is, it will know, but you don’t want to go on telling it every week, just to make sure it is still in sync. So, there are a few little services wich will do that for you.

Lets open the cmd shell and type:

net time /querysntp

… if nothing is set up there won’t be much output. So go surf in the internet and pick yourself a time server which is near you. Let’s say you find

Now we need to tell your server that this is the machine wich we are going to adjust the time to.

net time /

or if you feel better about having two or more time servers available do the following:

net time /setsntp:""
